Robotics in Offshore Renewables LIVE!

Date: Thursday 6th February

Time: 10am – 11.30am


  • Today’s offshore environment
  • Inspiration for extreme robots in offshore renewables
  • Futurology: scenarios for the next 10, 20 and 30 years

The UK leads the world in offshore wind, having more installed capacity in its waters than any other country. With this huge market potential apparent, we are witnessing a drive for continual improvements in associated products, services and processes – including robotics.

At our Robotics and Offshore Renewables LIVE! event, we convene four robotics and renewable energy industry experts to discuss how a heady mix of crawling, climbing and sailing robots, NASA mission planning and global-scale wind operators will achieve great cost reduction and UK benefit.

Join our 90-minute panel discussion featuring:

  • Professor Sara Bernardini, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, Royal Holloway. Sara’s experience includes NASA mission planning and development of human-machine interfaces for a variety of audience, including projects for autistic children and the MIMRee project that is introducing end-to-end robotics missions to offshore wind farms.
  • Iain Wallace, Chief Technical Officer, Rovco. Iain has a background in Mars Rover exploration projects for the European Space Agency and now leads development of computer vision, machine learning and autonomy solutions for subsea inspections.
  • Anthony Gordon, Programme Manager, GE Renewable Energy. In his current role, Anthony specialises in bringing new technologies to wind farm operations with the aim of reducing manual maintenance and repairs.
  • Alex Louden, Innovation Manager, Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult. Alex manages a host of collaborative disruptive innovation projects aimed at de-risking new technologies for the renewables sector.