Innovation in design concepts
Large arrays of far-from-coast wind farms (and also tidal and wave harvesters) might lead to different optimal design concepts than those adopted so far.
Type of Entry: Innovation Area
Requires implementation offshore: Yes
Start TRL: TRL 1
Target TRL: TRL 4
Enabler: Academia
Beneficiary: Owner Operators
Strategic Outcome: Enabling disruptive innovation
Forecast Start: 2022
Forecatest Finish: 2034
Potential to Reduce LCOE: High
UK Benefit: High
Case for Intervention: High
HSE impact: Medium
UK Benefit - notes: Totally new design concept could be developed and UK could export knowhow, R&D and potentially manufacture of new-concept turbines.
Intervention - notes: Due to the low TRL, this must be driven by academia, but the participation of industry is critical to assure significance and relevance of the proposed concepts.
HSE impact notes: Results are unknown yet as it will depend on a design